Organizing committee
Claudio Gallicchio
Claudio Gallicchio is Assistant Professor of Machine Learning at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Pisa, Italy. He received his PhD from the University of Pisa, where he focused on Reservoir Computing models and theory for structured data. His research is based on the fusion of concepts from Deep Learning, Recurrent Neural Networks and Randomized Neural Systems. He is founder and chair of the IEEE CIS Task Force on Reservoir Computing, and member of IEEE CIS Data Mining and Big Data Analytics Technical Committee, of the IEEE CIS Task Force on Deep Learning and of the IEEE Task Force on Learning for structured data. He (co-)authored several publications at major ML conferences, including ICML, AAAI and IJCNN/WCCI. He has (co-)organized several events (special sessions, workshops and tutorials) at ML international conferences (including AAAI, IJCNN/WCCI, ICANN, ESANN). He serves as a member of several program committees of conferences and workshops in ML and AI (including AISTATS, ICLR, IJCAI-PRICAI, ECML-PKDD, ICONIP, IJCNN/WCCI). He served as guest editor for Special Issues in ML journals including IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems (TNNLS) and Cognitive Computation (Springer). He is an Academic Editor of PLOS ONE.
Daniel Brunner
Daniel Brunner is an Associate Professor at the CNRS institut FEMTO-ST in Besancon, France. He is a pioneer in Reservoir Computing using photonic substrates, most notably semiconductor lasers. Furthermore he has pioneered new, fully parallel and photonically realized learning concepts. He is managing editor of Nanophotonics and was guest editor of one book and two special issues. He has unique experience in the organization of transdisciplinary workshops and has initiated and implemented the “Cognitive Computing: merging concepts and hardware” conference (120 participants, Hannover 2018), the “Computing with dynamical systems” workshop series and the fully virtual and online SPIE conference “Emerging Topics in Artificial Intelligence” (781 video views and 2612 slack discussion participations).
Miguel C. Soriano
Miguel C. Soriano is a senior researcher (tenure-track) of the University of the Balearic Islands and member of the IFISC (Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems) in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. He is currently the PI of a Spanish national science project on quantum Reservoir Computing and has participated in two European projects on neuro-inspired computing with hardware (PHOCUS: towards a PHOtonic liquid state machine based on delay-CoUpled Systems and ADOPD: ADaptive OPtical Dendrites). His main research line covers topics of nonlinear dynamics in physical systems and information processing based on neuro-inspired machine learning methods, with a balanced interplay between theoretical and experimental work. He has co-organized special sessions and workshops in topics related to this proposal at several international conferences (Dynamics Days Europe in 2015 and 2016, NOLTA 2018) as well as the International Conference on Delayed Complex Systems (DCS2012) with ~100 participants. He currently serves as program committee member in several photonic-related conferences. He is co-editor of the book “Photonic Reservoir Computing: Optical Recurrent Neural Networks” (De Gruyer 2019) and two special issues in indexed journals (Cognitive Computation and Entropy.
Programm committee
Xavier Porte
Xavier Porte is Marie-Skłodowska Curie fellow at the University of Bourgogne Franche-Comte, France. He received the Msc. degree in 2011 and the PhD. degree in 2015, both in Physics, from the University of the Balearic Islands (UIB), Spain. From 2016 to 2018 he was with the Technical University Berlin, Germany, where he was engaged in research work on external optical coupling of quantum-dot microlasers for nanophotonic applications. He is currently a postdoctoral researcher working on photonic spatiotemporal neural networks. His research interests range from nonlinear delay dynamics to nanophotonics and neuromorphic computing.
Nadezhda Semenova
Nadezhda Semenova is a junior researcher at Saratov State University (Saratov, Russia). From 2014 to 2018, she worked as a teaching assistant and engineer in an educational laboratory attached to the chair of Radiophysics and Nonlinear Dynamics in SSU. In 2017, she defended her dissertation for the degree of Candidate of physical and mathematical sciences (Russian PhD equivalent) in the specialty “Radiophysics” (thesis “Poincare recurrences in ergodic systems”), now her research focuses on noise propagation in neuromorphic hardware. She has been co-organizer of two events: 1 - International Conference “Nonlinear Dynamics of Deterministic and Stochastic Systems” (Saratov, Russia, 2014) with 75 participants, and 2 -International Workshop “Spatio-Temporal Structures in Ensembles of Interacting Oscillators” (Saratov, Russia, 2016) with 20 participants.
Irene Estébanez
Irene Estébanez is a third year PhD student at the University of the Balearic Islands and a member of the IFISC (Institute for Cross-Disciplinary Physics and Complex Systems) in Palma de Mallorca, Spain. Her research is focused on hardware implementations of Reservoir Computing, combining experimental and numerical results. She has been engaged in the participation and organization of multiple outreach events, including Pint of Science, Open Doors Day, International Day of Women and Girls in Science, in recent years.