Welcome !

The Women Chapter of the FEMTO-ST Institute aims to improve the integration and understanding of gender issues in the specific context of Sciences and Research, by proposing concrete actions, exploring good practices, monitoring the situation, support for the women of the Institute and gender cooperation.

The aim of its actions is to increase the visibility of women and to improve the support given to women in the scientific community. This will make it possible to create more and more fruitful coexistence, in respect, mutual aid and collaboration.

At the laboratory FEMTO-ST, the actions of the Women Chapter will be intended for doctoral students and staff of the FEMTO-ST laboratory in order to :

- to create a better understanding between staff on women's and men's issues concerning gender stereotypes

 - to create a sense of cohesion and integration to avoid the isolation of minority female staff

- to raise awareness of equal opportunities between women and men and sexist behaviour

Outside the laboratory, the Women Chapter aims to commit to parity in the field of science by raising awareness among young people (middle school, high school) about equal opportunities between women and men with regard to access to scientific professions.

Routine activities of the FEMTO-ST Women Chapter include, for example, activities for International Women's Day (8 March) and International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11 February), seminars and facilitation of discussions at Institute-wide meetings or outings that provide time for discussion and exchange for the Institute's female staff.

If you wish to be informed and participate in the actions of the women chapter, please contact us at: WomenChapter@femto-st.fr