List of accepted abstracts

The workshop location: Room MONTEVIDEO 2.R.4

Interactive session #1


Guillaume Lapouge, Jocelyne Troccaz, and Philippe Poignet

Needle localization for needle steering under 3D ultrasound feedback


Giada Gerboni, Alessandro Diodato, Joseph Greer, Paul Laeseke, Gloria Hwang, and Allison M. Okamura

Robotic needle steering platform enabling effective clinical tests


Pham Huy Nguyen, Panagiotis Polygerinos, Sai Gautham Nuthi, Curtis Sparks, and Nick Vale

Design and Development of Soft Poly-Limbs


Xiangyun Ren, Yuan Xing, and Jinhua Li

A Variable Stiffness Instrument for Robot-assisted Laparoendoscopic Single-site Surgery (LESS)*


Dylan Shah and Rebecca Kramer-Bottiglio

Wearable Jamming Skins for On-the-fly Support of Limbs and Robots

Interactive session #2


Andrey V. Kudryavtsev, Kanty Rabenorosoa, and Brahim Tamadazte

Towards a Generic Simulator for Continuum Robot Control


Quentin Peyron, Kanty Rabenorosoa, Nicolas Andreff, and Pierre Renaud

Stability and cardinality analysis of concentric tube robots using a numerical approach


Jake Childs and Caleb Rucker

Increasing the Stiffness of Continuum Robots through Passive Origami Endoskeletons


François Schmitt, Olivier Piccin, Laurent BarbĂ©, and Bernard Bayle

Hybrid Soft/rigid Robots for medical applications

Information to the authors

Authors of accepted abstracts are expected to attend the workshop with a spot-light talk (~3 mins) and to present their work on screen during the interactive session. The extended abstracts will be included in the proceedings to be posted on the workshop website.