Abstract submission

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Abstract information
Check all themes concerned by your actual abstract.
Please read the guidelines above and download the abstract template(s) provided before sending yours.
Files must be less than 5 MB.
Allowed file types: pdf rtf.

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Please submit a two-page abstract using the form below preferably or electronically to [name] (E-mail : [@mail]) no later than [date].

  • The abstract must be submitted as a Microsoft Word document, .rtf or in .pdf format.
  • All figures must be included in the two pages.
  • For specific format information and a sample abstract, please click on RTF or PDF.
  • Along with your abstract submission kindly indicate whether you have a preference for an oral or poster presentation.

The Technical Advisory Committee will make the final decision concerning the type of presentation selected.

All accepted abstracts, both oral and poster, will be published in a Book of Abstracts that will be available at the Workshop and included in the registration fee.

Additionally, final manuscripts for all accepted papers will be collected at the Workshop and submitted for peer review for publication in the Microsystems Technologies Journal by Springer Publishing Company.

The language of the workshop and publication is English.

Here are the preparation instructions, an example, and the template for manuscript preparation for the [event-name] paper.

Please submit one hardcopy and an electronic file.

DOWNLOAD PDF file for the announcement and call for papers

Exemple of HARMST-007 Abstract template.rtf