April 19th, 2017: LNCS 10231 is now available online. You can find information about it at http://www.springer.com/978-3-319-57665-7
July 21st, 2016: Prof. Dr Kung-Kiu Lau will give a keynote talk From Formal Methods to Components: Back to the Future? during the conference days.
July 4th, 2016: Prof. Dr Holger Giese will give a keynote talk on Self-adaptation and Cyber-Physical Systems during the conference days.
Abstract and Paper submission deadline extended : July 11, 2016 July 1, 2016
A workshop on Formal Approaches for Software-intensive Systems-of-Systems (FaSoS) will be affiliated with FACS 2016. It will be organised by Flavio Oquendo, Khalil Drira and Axel Legay on October...
June, 9th, 2016: Franck Le Gall working at Easy Global Market will give the talk From devices to data: testing the IoT on October, 20th, 2016.
April, 19th, 2016: A special issue of the Science of Computer Programming journal will be devoted to extended versions of selected papers from FACS 2016.
Website launched on February 14, 2016