Submission guidelines


-  Abstracts may be submitted for oral or poster presentation; the final decision will be made by the committee.
-  All content, including drawings, charts, photographs, tables, figures, and references should be within the specified 1-page limit according to the style guide provided below
-  It is the responsibility of the author to get all internal reviews and institution approvals prior submission.
-  If your paper is accepted, your abstract will be included in the short conference Program.

Style guide and language

-  The 1-page manuscript should be submitted electronically in .doc or .pdf by using the application form below.
-  Page size is A4 format (210 mm x 297 mm) and paragraph is typed in single-space. All content, including drawings, charts, photographs, tables, figures, and references should be within the specified 1-page limit.
-  All submissions must be in English.

For detailed style guide and standard manuscript template (.doc template or Latex style file),

please download the MSword Manuscript Template (.doc)

The use of LaTex is possible but make sure the page layout is respected as for the MSword template.

 Important Information about Preparing your Paper: The quality of your PDF file is important as the paper will be published in the workshop booklet if accepted. Please verify carefully the quality of your manuscript for print and electronic publishing.

 Information for oral papers:

-  All oral papers are 15 minutes, including discussion.
-  The following presentation equipment is available: overhead projector, laptop, laser pointer.

Information for posters:

-  Posters boards are 1.4 m high by 1 m wide.
-  Posters are planned to be left up before 9.30am on November 16, 2017.
-  Materials for mounting posters will be provided.

Selection and notification process

The selection of papers for either oral or poster presentation will be made by the program committee after consideration of their abstracts.

Only primary authors on poster/oral contributions will be notified (by email) of their abstract's acceptance or rejection on October 16, 2017.