Organizing Committee

The Microphononics workshop is organized by the GdR Méta, FEMTO-ST, CEA-Leti and the LabEx ACTION, supported by the University of Bourgogne-Franche-Comté and the CNRS, the National Center for Scientific Research.

FEMTO-ST/CNRS:  Sarah Benchabane, Abdelkrim Khelif

CEA-Leti: Alexandre Reinhardt

Labex ACTION: Claudia Laou-Huen, Sandrine Chatrenet


Institut FEMTO-ST
15 B avenue des Montboucons
25030 Besançon Cedex - France
Tél : +33 (0)3 63 08 24 03
mail : 


Created in January 2016 by CNRS, the GDR META  "METamatériaux Acoustiques pour l’ingénierie"(research group on Acoustic Metamaterials) aims at structuring the French community working on this topic for the next five years through a set of workshops and collaborations between academic and industrial partners.

The Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (National Center for Scientific Research) is a public organization under the responsibility of the French Ministry of Education and Research.

CNRS encourages collaboration between specialists from different disciplines in particular with the university thus opening up new fields of enquiry to meet social and economic needs. CNRS has developed interdisciplinary programs which bring together various CNRS departments as well as other research institutions and industry.

labex action

LABoratory of EXcellence ACTION (France)

Smart systems embedded into matter
Labex ACTION is a long-term scientific program (2012-2019) managed by FEMTO-ST and two other french research labs which aims to become an international reference in the field of the design and the demonstration of integrated smart systems.


FEMTO-ST institute (France)

Engineering, information technology and communication
Created in 2004, the FEMTO-ST Institute is a joint research unit affiliated with the CNRS (French National Scientific Research Center), the University of Franche-Comté (UFC), the National Engineering Institute in Mechanics and Microtechnologies (ENSMM) and the University of Technology in Belfort Montbéliard (UTBM). Its objective is to master micro and nanotechnologies, to develop new devices and systems, to optimize their performance, to provide them with new functions and make them “smart”.