Chemical Biology and Supramolecular Chemistry
Theme: BIOdevices, BIOmaterials & BIOengineering 
Chemical Biology and Supramolecular Chemistry (CBSC) Pole was established as a multidisciplinary structure that emphasizes chemical science at the interface of chemistry, biology and materials science. The CBSC pole conducts research involving the discovery of new small molecules, peptides, macromolecules and materials that impact molecular recognition, catalysis, biomaterials or tissue engineering, or can be used to interrogate biological processes with the ultimate goal of translating fundamental research discoveries into applications. The CBSC pole brings together synthetic organic chemists, material chemists, analytical chemists, and chemical biologists that share the same way of thinking chemistry. The activities of CBSC team are organised around themes that are all closely related to chemistry. The aim of the theme entitled « BIOdevices, BIOmaterials & BIOengineering group » is the synthesis of bioactive surfaces to favour membrane adhesion (cells, microvesicles, …) for biological engineering (biomaterials, tissue engineering, drug delivery, diagnosis, …). A special focus is made on vascular and bone tissue engineering, regeneration and repair which need original approaches of surface treatment of the materials to promote adhesion, cellular communication, and regeneration of tissues.
Responsable de l’équipe : Marie-Christine Durrieu
Site web équipe :
Correspondant GDR : Marie-Christine Durrieu
Mots clés
Surface functionalization and characterization, cell
adhesion and differentiation, stem cell niche,
bone tissue engineering, diagnosis, vascular
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