Registration instructions
- Link to registration form: in French / in English [REGISTRATION IS NOW CLOSED] - Note that registrations are validated only after payment has been received - Please use your professional (university, company) email address
- Registration is open until 29 May 2019
- Payment can be done by credit card (for all) or by bon de commande (for French entities only)
Ph.D. and master's students | 100€ |
Academic participants (non students) | 200€ |
Non-academic participants (industry, etc.) | 600€ |
CNRS employees (as the school is funded by CNRS) | 0€ |
Prices include access to the summer school courses and activities, excursions (unless otherwise specified), 5 lunches, coffee breaks, and access to teaching materials. Accommodation and transportation to/from the school location are not included.
A certificate of attendance will be provided to all participants. The certificate will state the number of hours attended and the topics of the courses. It may be used for validating hours or ECTS credits in participants' home institutions.
Familiarity with basics of renewable energy, energy storage, control systems, power systems and power electronics.