Accommodation :
Besançon offers many accommodation solutions. Some hotels are close by (TEMIS pole), most are located in the city center, accessible in 15 minutes by bus from the campus.
For your accommodation, we suggest you to benefit 9m² student room for a cost between 15 and 20€ per night.
How do I do this? Contact the Besançon accommodation centre: specifying the duration and the reason for your visit. You must send your request at least 8 days before the beginning of your stay (the earlier the better), specifying "Short stay/Court séjour" in the subject line of your request by e-mail. You must also specify in your request your identity, your INE number and the period of your stay.
Please note: The room can only be allocated to you if it is available on the site contacted. You will receive an answer to your request as soon as possible by return e-mail.
more information :
You already can have a virtual visit of the room : Confort room in Résidence Colette
Registration :
Please use the following form to register to the 9th Summer School on hydrogen, FEMTO ST/FCLAB
Please complete the form with all details. Regarding the deposit of the poster, we know the final version may not be available at present. Please send a pdf document with the following information:
- a title
- the list of contributors
- the affiliation
- some details (10 lines) about the topic
You may use the following template: Template_abstract_H2SummerSchool2022
PLEASE KEEP IN MIND, your registration requires the payment of fees to be finalized. Thanks for understanding.
Payment of the registration fees (200€) is now available. Please first fill the form, then use the following link: